Episode 71 – This Year’s Girl

on sheets 
so clean
I smell the rain.

at the picnic
even the serpent 
is happy to see me.

by your smile,
flowers spill
across my skirt.

by your memory,
I float 
upon the surface.

Episode 60 – Fear, Itself

By candlelight
I carve out a life alone,
that I’m unlovable.

Insecurities, like bees,
pollinate fear
into brilliant blossoms.

I fall hard.
I fall deep,

red and black
and bleeding.
Lifted into flight,
frightened by love.

Episode 45 – Gingerbread

On fire
with hatred,
danger camps
on every doorstep.

They burn witches,
don’t they,
to cleanse the ills
of society?

Trouble stirred
into caldrons of chaos
while the accusers
hide under their beds.

Symbols tattooed
on the skin of the tortured
remind us
something’s always out there.

Can’t fear be teacher,
sewn from scraps of sorrow,
guiding us with knowledge
rather than arming us for battle?