Episode 122 – Grave

The yellow crayon
looked like the sun.
She wanted to take it 
inside her body,
color over her fear,
but she pressed too hard
and the crayon broke 
into pieces.
She began to cry.

Her best friend rescued
the sunny segments
and tried to press them
back together.
Her tears made him feel
like he did when his mother
yelled at him.
He hated when his mother
yelled at him.

I’m sorry, he said
to the teacher.
I broke the yellow crayon.

* * *

The girl, now grown,
doesn’t want to hear
that he loves her,
tiny and scared,
ugly and evil.
That he remembers
the yellow crayon.

But his is the only voice
she can hear.
Her rage recedes
as a volcano of sorrow
storms from her eyes.

And he holds her.
Just that.

* * *

When the world returns,
it’s spring,
when flowers reach up
and we crawl from the ground
to follow,

far from wellness, 
but healing,
able to see the beauty
of the blossoms.

And when we least expect it,
our soul returns.

Episode 121 – Two to Go

girl fight 
between friends
both strong
who wins

* * *

A strawberry, ready to pop,
but instead of sweetness,
there is putrefaction,
threatening even friends.

For there are no friends
when love is dead,
only fading moments
when love told her 
she was beautiful.

Then death –
the great eraser.

If darkness disappears, 
she is left with nothing.
Love is dead 
and sorrow squeals
its hatred.

A naked throat 
is vulnerable
to a blade,
to a bullet.

And if the skin bleeds,
the pain escapes,
leaving behind
an empty shell.

Raise your swords, 
if you must.
There is no protection.

Episode 120 – Villains

Rage fills my heart where love once lived 
and fury moves into the room that housed the bullet.
So small the wedge that pierced her heart.

So complete my loss,
that humanity bails
leaving her behind,
still warm,

     (so warm)

a gift for the gods
though they don’t deserve her.

Like a demon hound, 
I track her killer through the woods.
He’s full of words, but no remorse,
not that it would matter.

I string him up between two trees,
silence the savagery of his voice. 
Then I strip him of his skin, 
like pa with a summer rabbit.

Nothing survives 
when rage moves in.

Episode 117 – Normal Again

In a corner
on the floor.
Am I real?
Tell me more.
My mom is here,
but no, she’s gone.
I know she died.
It feels so wrong.

I’m dressed in white,
my arms are tied.
I know the truth.
They say I’ve lied.
That I am not 
the chosen one.
No vampires fought.
No battles won.

A life created
in my mind.
I must believe,
they seem so kind.
My friends aren’t real.
My sister’s fake.
Destroy them all
and then I’ll wake.

My mom and dad
will take me home.
But she is dead
and he is gone.
Believe in you,
she says to me,
and as I go
her face I see.

I choose my world,
fake sis and friends.
Full of vamps
to fight again.
And if it’s not reality,
real or not,
I think it’s me.

Episode 115 – As You Were

She’d said it so many times before.
It’s over.
But she always came back.
To his door.
To his bed.
Drawn to him
like stake to heart.

The fact that she despised him
only fueled the passion.
The fact that he loved her
only fueled the passion.

He’d memorized the barbs
she used to hurt him.
Sure, they hit home sometimes,
but he’d learned to think of them
as endearments.
It was, after all,
what she had to give.

But when she came today,
soft, in lavender,
and spoke his name.
The name given to the man,
not the monster.

I’m sorry William.

He knew
he’d lost her.

Episode 114 – Older and Far Away

I’m lonely.

I collect trinkets
to keep me company,
stolen from those who ignore me,
presents for those who should care.

Stay up all night with friends.
No one wants to leave.
I wish it were for love of my company,
but it’s secrets
                     the walls,
locking all the doors to keep us in.

In the light, we grow hungry.
Day beckons,
but the doors won’t budge.
Trapped we are,
together, battling demons.

If only you could hear my screams.

Episode 113 – Dead Things

Your hands were not bound, your feet were not fettered. 
You fell as one falls before the wicked. 
2 Samuel 3:34, NIV

* * *

There’s nothing comfortable
about this relationship.

It’s not even a relationship.
It’s just passion.
I’m a passionate person.
You’re a passionate person.

Well, you’re not really a person,
but you were a person
and sometimes I see that
and I like you.

Then I remember 
all the harm you’ve done.
All the sadness and destruction
at your hands.

I don’t know what’s come over me
(mad desire)
to love a man like you.
But you’re not a man
and I don’t love you.

From behind, 
you slip your arms around me.
Fingers slither down my arm.
down my thighs.
Then up.

And I’m lost.

If they knew,
they’d think me mad.
I’ve got it bad.

But you’re dead.
I’m dead inside.
When you’re inside, 
I feel.

It’s okay if I love you,
but I don’t.
It’s okay if I don’t.
And I can’t.

It’s wrong
I’m wrong.

Episode 112 – Doublemeat Palace

I need a job.
I need some cash.
Nothing too intense.
Something that won’t last.

Jobs can defeat you,
grind you up and eat you
in a double meat patty
of rage and disillusionment.

All around me, 
people stare
like they’re anyplace 
else but here.

If you want respect, 
get a dog, not a job.

See yourself here 
in ten years?


Episode 111 – Gone

I give you fragrance
not flower,
chapter not book.

* * *

When no one can see me,
I do as I please. 
Find you in bed naked,
get down on my knees.

Invisible in your bed,
but not in your heart.
You want a me
you can see.

So we part.

Episode 110 – Wrecked

She slept with him,
but knew it was wrong.
He wasn’t even human.
She’d spent so much time
wishing him dead.
Hell, she’d tried to kill him
more than once.

But he was a poet
and something in his pain
spoke to something 
in her pain,
and when they lay together,
the building crumbled
around them
and all the reasons
not to be together
slipped away.