Episode 87 – Listening to Fear

sometimes she doesn’t 
remember me

her daughter

a shadow visible 
only in darkness

* * *

A star dies, but its light keeps us company,
its death unmourned for generations.
I feel sad to see the sparkle.

The moon invokes madness, its light hurts my eyes.

I search for Cassiopeia 
on her tortuous throne, 
her beauty unrivaled.

Holding tight to my sanity, the moon passes over.

As we flame through the sky, 
will anyone remember?

Episode 86 – Shadow

He wants to be her knight,
but she doesn’t need saving.

* * *

Boys before
kept her in tears,
kept her in chains.

Holes ripped 
in the world
by their passion.

With you
she feels less 

She feels 

Episode 84 – Family

Cast out by false fathers 
who profess love
but imprison creativity,

she finds herself in the company 
of those she despises,
trying to hide her true face,

what’s bad inside her
legend told by fathers who seek
to keep their women weak.

The only weak woman 
is the one 
who doesn’t know herself.

Oh, tell me a story 
of she who begins
unwanted and then is chosen.

Episode 80 – Real Me

dawn is morning’s response 
to evening’s darkness

* * *

I am an only child,
little sister I have not.
But the kid
appeared one day,
writing journals,
making a nuisance,
altering my life.

What is a life
if not what’s remembered?
Or is what’s remembered
the whole of a life?
Can missing pieces
form a sister,

like God in those first days
molding a planet from the void?
Can a sister form
from shared memories –

skinned knees,
birthday cakes,
the forbidden borrowing 
of a favorite sweater?

If memories fail,
does the sister evaporate
like water on a summer sidewalk?
Or do lies fracture,
leaving a prism 
of colorful stories behind?